Jobs Script lets you create a powerful jobs portal. Features for recruiters and job seekers like job posting, resume builder, cover letters and live demo.
Jobs script is a complete job board script to launch your own online jobs portal. PHP Job script comes with a beautiful design, great SEO features and highly profitable revenue generation system. Employers can post jobs, job seekers can post or create online resumes in resume builder script. Full online application process. Distance search to find local jobs and lots more.
Very beautiful pre-integrated design (check online demo). PHP Jobs Script makes your website attractive.
Indicate exact job and applicant location using Google Maps.
Hundreds of wonderful features. It is not just a job posting script. It has jobs, applications, resumes, full website with search engine optimization.
Find local job opportunities with zip code distance search . Job script also supports for Google map based distance search.
Jobs software includes 18+ smart ways to earn big money. These revenue streams make your website highly profitable.
Create live resumes online. Job seekers can also upload resumes in .doc or .pdf format etc.
Integration with Indeed XML job feed to load your recruitment portal with thousands of jobs instantly.
Full online application process (including cover letters) for applicants. Application management for recruiting companies or recruitment agencies.
Job Board Script support for video resumes. Applicants can attach Youtube videos with resumes in resume script.
Keep yourself up to date with job alert notifications. So, job-seekers will never miss a job.
Recruiting companies pay you fee for job posting and resume search.
Supports unlimited categories / sub-categories.
Bulk category import module (using csv file) for quickly creating categories/sub categories.
Promote your web site using Social bookmarking features.
Recruitment script gives great search engine visibility due to its SEO Features.
Save search results for future reference.
Support for separate title, meta-description, meta-keywords etc. for each job and category.
URL rewriting (using apache mod_rewrite module) to create keyword rich job and category hierarchy.
Play safe with in-built database backup utility of our PHP Jobs board Script.
Recruiters can create multiple company profiles.
Job seekers can create multiple resumes, multiple cover letters etc.
Multiple payment options for recruiters like Paypal,, e-gold, 2checkout and offline payment etc.
Home page display of premium recruiting companies and featured job opportunities.
ENCRYPTED PASSWORDS for user area and admin area for higher security.
Anti-spam captcha on all front end forms that do not require login.
Power packed admin panel to manage hundreds of configurable parameters of the Jobs Script.
Employers pay you fees for posting their jobs on your website.
Employers can post to multiple location by paying extra fees.
Employers can put their jobs under multiple categories by paying a little extra fee.
In PHP Job board Software, you can charge extra for posting multiple videos with jobs.
Employers can pay extra fee to make their job appear in bold, featured, highlighted font.
Employers can pay extra fee to make their job appear in bold font.
Bulk job posters can buy job posting packs to save money.
Employers can pay you a fee to search database of resumes available on website.
Job seeks can also pay to post Resumes. Employers can then search resume database and contact them.
You earn by offering highlighted resumes, featured resumes, Bold resumes etc.
Bulk users of jobs script can take advantage of multiple resume posting packages.
Attach multiple videos with resumes by paying a little extra fee.
Job board script makes further money by publishing banner ads on site.
Publish google ads to optimize the earning potential of your website.
Jobs software also works as traffic generation tool. You can monetize this traffic.
Promote other products by utilizing free traffic that is generated by the job board script.
Amazing visibility of deep category and job pages in search engines.
Rewritten keyword rich URLs for job and category pages (using mod_rewrite).
Separate meta tags for each job and each & every category. Its great for SEO!.
Jobs script lays out content in a search engine readable format to help enhance search engine rankings.
Separate <TITLE> tag, meta-keywords and meta-description for each job & category page.