Classifieds Software enables you to create a classifieds website. It includes multiple tools to connect buyers and sellers including full messaging system.
Classifieds software is an outstanding classified software which has a set of features that you just cannot find in any other script. It is the ONLY complete classified ads software to run a great classified ad web site.
Fully Optimized PHP classified software for search engines. Gives you loads of free traffic.
Image gallery and Video gallery with each classified. It is wonderful attraction for your advertisers.
Zip code distance search & Google Maps support. Makes your site perfect for local & global use.
Even a free classified ads site will earn for you. Because of multiple revenue streams (see below).
Run as Global or Local classifieds site. You set which countries/regions to enable.
Set colors & icons in classifieds software from admin panel. No HTML knowledge required for this.
Video ads through Youtube video support. Give video ad option to advertisers without any bandwidth cost.
Web site promotion tools like social book marking and RSS Feeds . Sharing and feed-readers do it for you.
You can define your own additional fields to ask for specific info on item posting page. E.g. for computer classifieds you can add Processor or Memory space fields.
Publish google ads or any text or banner ads using inbuilt ad publishing system.
Classifieds Software offers full control over web site content. Plus an automatic rude word filter.
Full Internal messaging system with inbox, outbox, contact list, block list etc is a perfect communication tool for buyers and sellers.
Lots of security features like Captcha SPAM protection, MD5 Encrypted passwords etc.
Inbuilt database backup utility. All this make this software really our #1 classified ads software.
Support for many payment options like Paypal,, e-gold, 2checkout and offline payments.
Plus we also provide service for integration of additional payment gateways.
Fully Front end language translatable. Translate it from one language file. Db data comes as entered. Languages like English, German, Spanish, Italian, French, Arabic etc.
FREE Technical Support , just in case you feel stuck with something.
Earning from classified posting fees.
Earn more from home page featured and video featured ads.
You can also charge for image posting or video posting in classified ad software.
You can also create bulk advertising packages for your bulk advertisers like "Post 5 classified ads for $100".
Charge for the paid options like featured classifieds, bold classifieds, highlighted classifieds etc.
Publish banner ads or Google adsense ads on your classifieds software based website.
Due to classified script's Search Engine Optimization features, you can generate free traffic. This traffic can be used to promote your products for indirect revenue.
You earn further by extension of classifieds that have already expired. In our PHP classifieds software, you can charge a per day extension fee for this.
Start your dedicated classifieds portal and tap software's full revenue generation potential.
Launch a free classified ads service and bring new visitors and possible clients to your web site. Plus earn big by putting google adsense ads on the web site.
Many of our clients use php classifieds as advertising platform for their products / portals. Or they sell their products thru it.
You can also use it for creating search engine optimized unique content. Which in turn increases value of your web site, in the eyes of search engines.
Hook visitors by providing better content and offers. Classifieds Software helps in enhancing your web site's image and the user experience.
Great search engine visibility of classified pages and category pages.
URL rewriting (using apache mod_rewrite module) for all the classified ad's detail pages along with separate meta tags.
URL rewriting of all category pages in a multi level hierarchical manner for better Search Engine Visibility.
SEO optimized to provide you better visibility in search engines (by using separate meta tags for each classified and category).
Separate TITLE, meta description and meta keywords etc. for each ad and category.