Freelance Script is the perfect tool to launch a freelance platform. Connect freelancers and clients with project tracking and collaboration features.
Freelance Script a complete script for a high end freelancers portal. Its flexibility, feature set, project management tools etc. make our freelance script the best. Years of expertise has gone into this freelance script.Softbiz Freelancer Script is the only complete PHP script available with all the high end features.
Kick start your professional freelancers website today.
Concept of the freelance script is very simple. Service seekers post their requirements and the service providers make bids for doing the job. You can earn heavily in different ways like project commissions, membership fees (multiple membership levels), featured project fees, featured service provider listings etc.
Service seekers / webmasters post their projects (requirements) with youtube videos.
Then webmaster chooses the service provider. They can also add funds to escrow account or they can pay initial milestone.
Service providers / programmers/ designers place their bids and also set milestones.
During the project webmasters and programmers can share project files and track project progress. They can also do live chat.
Service providers profiles tell about their skills, reviews, repeat rate etc. It also has animated portfolio gallery,references, certifications, youtube videos and google map.
Service provider completes the job and service seeker pays them through freelance marketplace script member area.
Freelancer script also has project message board (PMB) to clarify doubts during bidding process.
Then they place review & rating for each other. Freelance script keeps track of ratings, earnings till date and repeat hire rate etc. for service providers.
You earn in multiple ways like membership fees, featured project fees, featured programmer fees, project %age commissions etc.
Fully configurable site colors, fonts, style, site icons etc. directly from admin panel (no coding knowledge needed).
Translate all front end text strings from one file. Db data shows as it is. Admin panel is in english.
Freelance script supports live chat between members.
On project posting form you can add additional fields to gather more info relevent for your industry.
Support for different membership levels for service providers.
Post project along with meta-data, keyword rich URL text, youtube videos and google maps.
Easy bidding system with milestones, escrow system and project message board for clarifications.
Browse programmer directory & easily invite programmers to bid on your project in freelance marketplace script.
Member profile with many different options like profile info, skills rating and reviews, about team members, earnings till date etc.
Member profile also has repeat hire rates, animated portfolio gallery,references, certification, company videos and google map.
Social bookmarking , email alerts, project notifications, project invitations, winner notifications etc.
Track project progress with project tracking system and full internal messaging system with live chat.
Freelance marketplace script displays latest projects, featured projects, featured service provider profiles and browse projects by skills on home page.
Project browsing by skill with featured service provider profiles, search projects, advanced search and service provider directory.
Site admin can configure thousands of different parameters, configure contents of all out-going emails, set SEO parameters etc.
Paypal integration, transaction management, automatic commission deduction , automatic deduction of applicable fees.
Freelancer script gives full control over website content, edit projects, profiles bids etc. and IP Block system to block certain IPs.
Many paid options like featured projects, featured programmers profiles, membership fees and project commissions etc.
Great search engine visibility of projects and skill categories.
URL rewriting (using apache mod_rewrite module) with keyword rich URLs.
Freelance script supports separate meta-data for each project.
Freelance marketplace script uses separate meta-data for each skill category.
Layout of pages is extremely SEO friendly.
Unique <TITLE> tag contents for each project and skill category.