Hit Counter Script - Insightful Visitor Stats for your site

Hit Counter Script tracks insightful visitor stats. You can setup unlimited page counters to track performance of various sections of website.

[Includes hit counter script + website counter script + page counter script + full website stats ]

Hit counter script and website counter script

Hit counter script is an easy to use website stats script. In includes website counter script & page counter in addition to full website stats. It also records the pages accessed by users, browsers used, screen resolutions etc. This info helps you know what your users like and then change your site to make it more and more user friendly. Hit counter is not just a website counter script or a page counter but is a full website stats script.

What makes our Hit Counter Script so special?

Unlimited counters

You can define any number of website counters in our script to track any number of websites.

Combined stats

Site records counter specific stats also i.e. combined stats of all pages that have a specific counter code.

Copy and paste

Then just put the counter code on your site to record website stats.

Browser stats

Hit counter script also provides browser stats i.e. browsers used to access your site.

Easy hit counter

Site records page specific stats i.e. how many times each URL has been accessed.

IP checks

Configure time after which next visit from same ip is to be considered as a new visit.

Unique page hit counter

You can exclude certain query string parameters while recognizing unique URLs.

One click backup

One click database backup for backup of stats database. This offers extra layer of protection to your data.

Combined stats

Site records counter specific stats also i.e. combined stats of all pages that have a specific counter code.


Script has a feature for automatic clearing of access log over time.

Hit Counter Script : Demos

PRICE : $51

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Hit Counter Script : Demos

PRICE : $51

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